Category Archives: CT

Happy Earth Day!



Celebrate Earth Day with Our Green Products!!!!!!!!!!! Tell us how you are helping to save the Earth!

Things to Know…

I may not be an expert, but I’ve seen a lot in the 8 years I’ve worked for Servpro of Newtown & Southern Litchfield County.

Winter is a miserable season. We all know it, even if you like spending a day on the slopes and coming into the lodge for a cup of hot cocoa, or building a snowman with the kids in the yard.

The fun activities of winter are usually overshadowed by enormous amounts of snow, sleet and ice. The past few years has seen hurricanes in October, Blizzards on Halloween, ice dams galore and more snow than I can think about right now. This year is deceptively different…a little El Nino and we have 60 degree weather in February (yes, I wore flip flops). I sit in my office thinking about tips that can help all the readers out!

So here we go…

  1. Make sure you shovel off your roof after a heavy storm. This will help alleviate the chance for ice dams. Of course, proper attic or gable ventilation is important as well. Remember, heat rises.
  2. Make sure you are keeping your heat at a decent temp. No lower than 65. The cold from outside will combat the warmth. Last year, the “keep it at 60” mentality failed as we had below zero weeks, which strained the ability of the heating systems to maintain adequate ability to heat homes.
  3. Be careful heating your houses with alternate methods. Fireplaces and pellet stoves are wonderful alternatives, but can be very dangerous. Make sure your chimney is inspected at least once every 2 years.
  4. If you do have a water damage, please give us a call. Water damages should be mitigated by professionals in the field. Servpro of Newtown and Servpro of Putnam County are IICRC Certified in Water and Fire remediation.
  5. Make sure you turn off the water promptly. This will help save you from any additional secondary damages.
  6. Call your insurance company and notify them of the issue. Most of the time, the damage is a covered loss.
  7. We understand the disaster that can happen with water or fire damage and we are available to assist you throughout the entire process. Why don’t you give us a call!

We can be reached at 203-743-5362 or 845-228-1090!bench_and_snow_202114.jpghigh_water_street_gone_down_230890.jpg

National Preparedness Month Continues

See what Servpro of Newtown & Southern Litchfield County can do for you.  We are here to help in any size disaster.  From a hot water heater leak to a puffback cleanup, you can count on us to make it like it never even happened.

Business need to stay prepared for any disaster.  Making sure that you have an Emergency Plan in place will ensure that you stay in business.  Please see the picture below about how Ready Business, an extension of the National Ready Program can help you!

Are You Prepared?


and severe storms will undoubtedly threaten most areas of the United States over the summer and fall months. Though it is never easy to prepare for the unpredictable, now is the time to ensure you and your family are prepared for a natural disaster situation.
A few safety items to consider:

Does each member of your family have emergency contact numbers in case a disaster separates you?

Do you have the recommended items for your disaster supply kit?

Is your family educated on the necessary steps to take should a disaster occur?

For additional information, contact Servpro of Newtown & Southern Litchfield County at 800-352-0019. We can provide preparedness resources and tools, including wallet-size emergency contact cards, family communication plans, home content inventory tools and more.

As a U.S. Department of Homeland Security National Preparedness Coalition member, SERVPRO® is committed to promoting preparedness planning and providing community resources to help you and your loved ones prepare for emergency or disaster situations.

Controlling Mold In Your Environment

Controlling Mold in Your Environment


Mold- It is a four letter word that makes most people cringe. But contrary to popular belief, not all mold is dangerous; some mold is even quite useful. Fungi and mold naturally occur in our environmen. More than 100,000 different types of fungi have been identified. you can find fungi in our everyday lives in bread and baked products; the unique flavor of blue cheese is the result of mol.  Though some types of mold can be useful, many other forms can be harmful. Excessive amounts of mold and mold exposure may present health concerns for some people.
The intrusion of water into your home or business can result in mold growth. Water intrusions can result from storm damage, plumbing or equipment failures, long standing leaks and poor humidity control. When these water intrusions are not addressed right away, the resulting damage can be an increased risk of harmful mold growth. Mold spores are normally present in most environments. If the humidity and moisture levels in a water damaged environment are not controlled, mold spores can grow and multiply.  Organic materials found inside a building, like wood, drrywall, paper and insulation, provide a food source for mold, allowing growth to flourish. This can lead to indoor environmental conditions that pose a health threat.
Servpro of Newtown & Southern Litchfield County handles water damages everyday and know prompt actions is required to prevent mold growth.  Mold is more likely to spread when an environment has been subject to moisture for an extended period of time.  If your property has sustained a recent water damage, it is vital to remove excess water and dry the structure promptly. Once the environment is dry, it is important the structure is properly cleaned.
When determining if you have a mold problem, be alert for: the presence of visible mold, strong musty odors, evidence of past moisture problems and excessive humidity.
IF you fear you have a mold problem, call Servpro of Newtown & Southern Litchfield County at 800-352-0019. A technician trained in mold remediation will examine the structure and determine the steps needed to contain and clean the affected areas.
For more information on Mold visit: WWW.EPA.ORG

Carbon Monoxide: A Silent Killer

Carbon Monoxide: A Silent Killer
Carbon monoxide, or CO, is an odorless and colorless gas that is toxic to humans and animals. Because humans cannot detect CO with their senses, carbon monoxide can killyou before you are aware it is affecting you.
Unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning claims more than 500 lives and sends more than 15,000 people to the emergency room each year in America. Carbon monoxide can come from several sources including charcoal grills, motor vechicles, wood-burning fireplaces and generators.
Carbon Monoxide Safety Tips
  • Install at least one CO alarm with an audiable warning alarm near the sleeping areas of your home. Ensure the alarm has been evaluated by a recognized laboratory, such as the Underwriters Labooratories (UL).
  • Have a qualified professional check all fuel-burning appliances and furnaces at leas once per year
  • Never use a charcoal grill, hibachi or power generator in an enclosed space like a garage. Even if the door is open, the CO may not properly ventilated.
  • Never keep a car running in the garage.